
Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Valentine Practical Life and Multiplication Bead Board

Posing with her favorite work-  ducky pom pom transfer.  

Bead Stringing.  Same old work, in a new Valentine's box-  everything old is new again with a different container.  

Heart Scooping.  This one is a huge treat, it makes a great sound when transferring.  Bean says it sounds like the sound from Blueberries for Sal....ku-plunk!

Notice the lighting?  The sun is not up.  She woke up early on a Monday morning (after the Superbowl!) to get dressed and get to work before school.  It's very rewarding.  Yawn.

I found these pins at a craft store for 79 cents, they love clipping them onto the tiny baskets.  Sorting by color, and squeezing!

Here is Peanut busy with the clothespin work.  Busy!
Bean is SO interested in math right now.  She worked for hours with this material.  She is making equations on paper, then using the Multiplication Bead Board to find the answer concretely.  She wants to bring it to school to show her teacher and her friends what one hundred red beads looks like!  

Matching verbs to their picture.  Bean tends to learn words via whole language, so I'm giving her a lot of three part cards, and words to match with photos.  Following the kindergartner at home!

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Montessori Monday 

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