
Kamis, 11 November 2010

Control Of Error, Pouring

One of my favorite things within Montessori is the built in control of error.  For my little tots, it's most prevalent now in Practical Life.  They adore anything involving water, as all little ones do, so the pull towards water pouring is strong.  The control of error for water pouring is water on the tray (or in the picture here, on the floor, on the sleeves, on the table).  The key here is to teach the lesson carefully. Also, keep in mind that exploration happens and spills are okay and need to be handled with love, care, and kindness.  Teaching the child how to handle their own messes effectively is one of the main aims of practical life.

From my album..............NAME OF ACTIVITY:  WATER POURING

General:       Practical Life
Specific:        Physical Skills- Pouring

*  Tray
*  2 glass pitchers of equal size
*  Colored water (on left, filled ¼ way)
*  Little Towel

Direct:            Coordination, Concentration, Independence, and Order
Indirect:         Mastering pouring from one pitcher to the next.  (one to one pouring)

Preparation: Tray carrying, dry pouring.

AGE:              First year Montessori student.

*  Grasp pitcher on the left with the dominant hand.  
*  Place subdominant hand under the spout.
*  Looking into the center of the pitcher, pour slowly and steadily
*  Wait for the very last drop to go in.
*  Wipe the spout with cloth.
*  Repeat several times, depending on the child/children to decide how many times.
*  Tidy the work.  (Check for spills, and wipe.)

Points of Emphasis:
*  Placement of hand on pitcher, with fingers under the handle and thumb on top.
*  Be sure to wait for the last drop.
*  Pour with the spout.
*  Wipe spout.
*  Pour slowly and steadily.
*  Lift pitcher above empty pitcher for pouring.

*  Spout
*  Idea of Full and Empty
*  Idea of Slow and Steady
*  Color of the water

POINTS OF INTEREST:  Attractive materials, sound of water.

Points of Consciousness:  The arms, wrist, and hand control the pitcher.  The spout makes it easier to pour water.

CONTROL OF ERROR:  The amount of water the teacher prepares the work with is geared toward the success of the child.  Spilled water on the tray can be wiped up with the little towel or sponge. 

VARIATIONS:  Changing the tray, water colors, or pitcher.

EXTENSIONS:  Change pitcher size, or add more water.   Pouring can be done in cooking and snack preparation, garden care, and science experiments.  Pouring can be done between vessels varying in size and shape.  Adding more vessels can make pouring more challenging.

Talk about the ground rules for the colored water, and also how the teacher created it.

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