
Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Food Preparation: Lentil Soup!

Today was one of the first days that we NEEDED a jacket outside this year, and the rain called for soup. Luckily, today at school a six year old gave me a simple recipe for lentil soup in a crock pot. Today's big lesson was about carrots, how they grow and the way we eat the roots and discard the leaves. Then, we each got a turn to peel the carrots. I actually did very little work of my own. Tossing it all in the crock pot before it's plugged in allowed them to see where the changes would occur. Peanuts's favorite part was the clean up, she loves that table brush from Montessori Services.

Green lentils, 2 small onions, 6 large carrots, 8 cups of water, four shakes of sea-salt, 5 hours in the crock pot on high.
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