
Senin, 20 Februari 2012

100th Day of School, Celebrated at Home!

This week, Bean celebrated her 100th day of Kindergarten at school.  She has been counting the days, waiting SO LONG for this special day.  They enjoyed special treats and many crafts related to the number 100.  When she woke up for school that day, she has a surprise!  I had set up papers in the form of the Hundred Board right on our kitchen floor!  Luckily, the floor tiles are the exact size of Metal Inset paper.  She has been doing this 'enormous' Hundred Board on our kitchen floor all weekend.  

Bean posing for her 100th Day

The BIG floor-sized 100 Board

Bean's little sisters were so very interested in the concept of 100.  Here you can see them putting 100 Cheerios on a blank Hundred Board that came with the Montessori At Home Bundle from Montessori Print Shop.  They probably ate 1,000 in the process.....

Bean made these cute glasses at school, along with her new Tshirt, covered in 100 of her favorite stamps.

An edible 100 chain.  How fun is that?

Montessori Monday 

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