
Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

December Montessori Fun

This week we made some advent/countdown calendars out of paper chains.  Each day, we cut off one link to the chain and talk about something special that happened that day.  The last link is Christmas Day!

Cutting the strips

Bean organizes her strips into a pattern.  For this one, she chose ABA, with a yellow end.

Peanut assembles her chain.  She kept saying, "I'm doing it myself, no one needs to help me!!"

Bean's chain, Pumpkin's chain, Peanut's chain-  all done!

I got out all Christmas-themed Practical Life work after bedtime last night.  It was SO rewarding to watch them go through the shelf the next day with such excitement.  New work AND Christmas?  I'm speaking their language!

Pom Pom and Snowflake Sequin transferring, with Strawberry huller.

Present Pouring

Glitter Pom Spooning

Pumpkin works on names with the movable alphabet.  She's so happy to have a chance with this material!

Bean spells words that she thought of.  Inventive spelling at it's finest!

On Monday, I posted about the Aims of Metal Insets, please come visit and see the full posting.
Be sure to visit Mommy Moment next Monday to see our Holiday Basket of Sets!!

Loving the linky to:

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