
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Christmas Cooking, Crafts, and Sensorial

We have been role playing gift giving and receiving in preparation for next week's big holiday, CHRISTMAS :)  For more on how we do that, visit my post at Mommy Moment.

We handmade many of our gifts this year.  Last year our family members got new festive birdhouses.  This year, we have been learning about this season being a celebration of light.  We made holiday candles for all of our guests.  

Painting tissue paper on candle holders with Mod Podge

Our finished family gifts!  Green and glitter candle holders :)

Christmas Card Station, everything they need to make cards for everyone they'd like.  Boy, this was a HIT this week.  Lots and lots of joy was sent!
We had a lot of baking to do, and one recipe called for crushed candy off to work they went. This was amazing.  It was completely silent for nearly one hour.  I gave them 12 full sized candy canes to smash.  Yummy cookies were made with a box of brownie mix, peppermint extract, a stick of butter and one egg for 10 minutes on 325.  Sprinkle and press candy cane pieces on top.  

"The first time I did this, it was longer than I was.  I'm GROWING!"

The red knobless cylinders, stacked in order.  Please visit Mommy Moment to see a post on how to present the knobless cylinders!

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