
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Montessori Monday: Picky Eater Giveaway & Our Work at Home

I have been reviewing book lately, and my most recent review was for Elizabeth Pantley, of the great No-Cry Solution parenting books.  She kindly sent me an extra copy to share with one of my blog readers.  Simply comment below and follow this blog on either Facebook, Twitter, or Google Friend Connect to enter.  Each daily comment will be counted in the random drawing, scheduled on Sunday, October 31 at 8pm.  The book is amazing, and it has some healthy recipes for children to create--- think Food Prep, Montessorians!  For more interest on the book, The No-Cry Picky Eater Solution, see my recent review here.

And onto my little ones...

This week was back to normal, back to health-  full of good work and constant art.  We have a variety of art materials available at any time, for any purpose.  It has become a place of retreat, our little den full of child treasures.  With a few rainy days, we found ourselves snuggling, reading a ton of books, and having some Montessori time.  
Bean is in Kindergarten for a full day, so many times it's just the twins and I until 3pm, and she'll work with us until dinnertime.  When she gets home, all she wants to do it write and color.  Her journal is her top pick!  
The girls are all settled into their school schedule, so our afternoons are becoming even more purposeful.   Sometimes it's just a nap, sometimes it comes as the fun pictured below.  

Peanut works with the Metal Insets, drawing lines from top to bottom.  

A wild little pose with her Yellow and Red Knobless Cylinders


After our nature walk, the girls used some interesting leaves and pine needles to rub with crayons and paint over with watercolor.  Very seasonal and fun!

We have the best luck rubbing leaves (and sandpaper letters/sandpaper numerals) with Stockmar block crayons.  

The twins brought me marshmallows (pretend, we know they are mushrooms).

"My mushroom is so cute"

Always proudly linked to...

And special link to:

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