
Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Parenting Book Review, The No-Cry Picky Eater Solution

As a Montessori Parent and Attachment Parent, the No-Cry Series by Elizabeth Pantley fits right into our home's values and needs.  Her book, the No-Cry Sleep Solution saved my sanity during the wee hours of the morning with twin babies, and a one year old.  Naturally, when her newest book was finished I offered to review it for a chance to read The No-Cry Picky Eater Solution before it hits the shelves!  I'm glad I did!

The book is helpful on every single page, don't skip ahead!  Some parenting books have all the hints and help in the end, but this one is full of useful information and child-centered reasoning on every page.  You'll find portion charts, recipes, and Showing healthy eating habits in young children is essential for their futures, and its our job as the adults in their lives (and kitchens).  A big responsibility is easy to tackle when broken down into four ideas.  The solution is explained through the Fundamental Four:  Attitude, Environment, Amounts, and Rules.  I nearly ran out of highlighter ink in the rules section, sometimes I forget to break the rules to ease the stress of mealtime.  I could hug this author!

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