
Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Our Environment (as it evolves)

I realized that I have not posted pictures of our little classroom yet.  We do not have all of the typical Montessori materials, yet we have what we need as this room is not our child's only school experience.  The collection will build over time, I'm making new things every week.  It is very different from school, as the classroom areas are mixed, yet ordered.  This is was is out every day, but I often pull out items for special occasions or unit studies. 

View from the child's level

view from my height

This is where we keep puzzles, and our sets basket

Under this couch we keep the movable alphabet (so the tots don't tear it apart).  I keep special books out, relative to the time of year on the ottoman.  Looks like I left my water on the floor...

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