
Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

A Glimpse of Life at Montessori School

When I first began this blog, it was to keep a digital scrapbook of sorts, to remember the little Montessori things we did as a family.  Madeline had transitioned to traditional schooling, and we did some things at home with a Montessori twist.  Then, when the twins went to Montessori School, we turned our home focus on home.   We just snuggle, read, and create open ended art.

As one of their 5 (yes, FIVE trained) Primary Teachers, I was able to snap a few photos throughout the year with my smartphone.  Overall, I took over a thousand photos, but just this handful without my other students for privacy reasons.  These two were ALWAYS working with friends, so the moments were few.  Next year will be KINDERGARTEN (Primary THREE)!!!!

This summer, we will do plenty of reading, counting, art, sewing, and cooking.

What a unique view I get.  Feeling blessed as summer begins.  I GET TO TAKE TWO HOME!
Iris using nuts and bolts, A Practical Life Activity for Twisting

Sarah Matching Notes, using Montessori Bells

Practicing Letters on chalkboards

She's singing the continent song!

Unit Division Board, 81 shared equally with 9 

Chinese New Year

Silly with the Pink Tower and Brown Stair

Ladybug Lifecycle

Adding by Chance, dice game with charting

Fraction Insets

Coloring Flags

Holding a Dominque Chicken Chick

Holding a Rhode Island Red Chick

Amphibian Puzzle

Cleaning up spilled fennel

Iris using the Matching Basket

Iris with the Montessori Bells

Basket of Sets

Sink and Float
Adding with Golden Beads (4,321+1,654)

Sewing Metal Inset Shapes

Finished Metal Inset Embroidery on colored burlap (those are IKEA frames, they fit Metal Inset Paper EXACTLY)
Setting up the Movable Alphabet in Alphabetical Order, plus fun- made hearts!)

Birthday Celebration in June- turning FIVE!!!


Ready for United Nations Day, Scotland

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