
Selasa, 20 September 2011

Middle Vowel Sorting

During the last few weeks, our big girl is working so very hard on reading work.  She's busy with the movable alphabet, object boxes, and inventive spelling in her journal.  While watching her with the movable alphabet last week, I discovered that she is getting a few of the middle vowels mixed up.  Today she had a Middle Vowel Sorting lesson.  I used the Sandpaper Letter vowels as title cards, and the objects I already had from around the classroom.  She added a few herself, she loves a good sound hunt!  She knew she was looking for the middle sound, not the initial sound.  Bean asked, "How did you know I needed this?"  (Yes!  I'm so happy following this child....)

Middle Vowel Sorting

pan, fan, ram, cat, bat

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