
Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Food Allergy Walk & Peanut Allergy Children's Book Giveaway

Hello Readers,

I'm so proud to announce that my 3 year old Iris and I, (known here as Peanut, an ironic nickname) are planning to walk in the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Walk in Boston, MA.  We are going together to create some positive memories out of challenging food allergies.  Iris is an epi-pen carrier, and learning to ask FOR EVERY SINGLE SNACK AND EVENT if the food is safe.

If you can, please visit the link below to make a donation.  Even $1 is a valuable donation, especially since she can see your messages on her site.

Thank you, dear bloggers :)

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Walk

(Event closed on 9/1/11 at 8pm)  I'm also running a giveaway for the adorable children's book called, Allie The Allergic Elephant.  It's very cute, and the illustrations are friendly.  My girls read it all the time, I feel it's helping prepare for school.  I can see a classroom or family enjoying this book.  I bought one for her preschool classroom, so she can share this information.

In order to win, all you need to do is leave a comment below.  I'd also love it if you follow the blog or make a small donation, but a comment is all you need to enter.  Please leave your email address in the comment, so I can announce the winner with ease.  Open to US recipients only.  The giveaway will close on September 1st, 2011 at 8pm.  The winner will be posted here, and also emailed.

The winner of the book is Sean Patrick and Emma Jane!  Congrats to you :)  And thank you everyone.  

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