
Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Marathon Work Time

I'm not sure how it happened, but today was on and off rainy and my girls spent 5 total hours working.  FIVE!  They have been working for up to three straight hours, but today blew my socks off.  I hung close by, reading quietly and helping when needed, but they were pretty independent.  They stopped for snacks, which they got for themselves, and came right back to work.  They worked together so well, and even made new activities with paints and sandpaper letters.  They used finger paints to cover a page, then used a finger to draw letters and numbers.  Bean spent a lot of time showing them just how, and the twins followed blindly.  It was really sweet.  I only took one photo, but we were busy with sandpaper letters, the sand tray, knobless cylinders, spindle boxes, initial sound objects,  practical life/physical skills, and movable alphabet for pink series words.  I overheard Bean say to Pumpkin and Peanut, "This is preschool AND kindergarten work, so we need each other."  Awww, sigh...

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