
Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

A Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Party in the Making!

Butterfly Shelf

Very Hungry Necklace for Guests
Happy Birthday Poster, made from felt
Working on decorations
The Birthday Dresses!

Our favorite book since the time of in-the-belly reading, Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar wins the hearts of my twin girls. Their birthday is coming right after we experience the Painted Lady Caterpillar life cycle in our home.  The Hungry Caterpillar was their first choice for their third birthday theme! Our decorations are all handmade by us! We made a decoration from felt and Caterpillar Necklaces for our guests. The beautiful dresses were made by a local preschool teacher.

I can't believe my babies will be THREE soon!

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