
Rabu, 13 April 2011

Sound Cylinders....err...Sound Ovoids :)

We have been thinking about Earth Day and the ideas of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Respect this month.  With that, I'm looking at a pile of opened plastic Easter eggs and brainstorming.  Suddenly, one of my tots shakes it and starts dancing to her beat.   As they shake them feeling for what is inside, I decided to make a sound matching game, similar to one of the classic Montessori Sensorial materials called Sound Cylinders.   Well, ours would be ovoids...


I gathered a bunch of materials for inside, two blocks, lentils, plastic jewels, rice, and small beads.  I tested all of them myself to make sure they all sound different enough to distinguish a match.  Best for ages 3+ or a child that is not mouthing.  Lots of fun to be had here :)


Also, 50 ways to use plastic eggs.
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