
Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Blog Award!

I'm so thankful to Sandy at Raising Ian for giving me the Versatile Blogger Award! She is so sweet! I haven't even been blogging our experiences for a full month :)

The Versatile Blogger:
  • Thanks the person who gave you the award! Thank you, Thank you!!
  • Share 7 things about you

  1. I used to play teacher every single day as a kid.
  2. I always wanted daughters.
  3. I'm mildly afraid of microorganisms.
  4. I feel best when my surroundings are beautiful.
  5. I like being prepared for things (how well that works as a Montessori Teacher/Mom)!
  6. I married by frat boy.
  7. Blogging is like scrapbooking for me, I like to look back already!
  • Pass the award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are FABULOUS!

You may know that I have three little ones, so I'll shorten my list to 5 for the sake of sleep!!! Sorry, first things first. Here's my list, in no particular order:

  1. A Montessori Musing
  2. Itty Bitty Bistro
  3. Attached At The Hip
  4. Simply Montessori
  5. Montessori In Mars

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