
Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Adding Value to the Value-Added Debate

Seeing as I am not paid to blog as part of my daily job, it's basically impossible for me to be even close to first out of the box on the issues of the day. Add to that being a parent of two small children (my most important job – right up there with being a husband) and that only adds to my sometimes frustration of not being able to weigh in on some of these issues quickly.

That said, here is my attempt to distill some key points and share my opinions -- add value, if you will -- to the debate that is raging as a result of the Los Angeles Times's decision to publish the value-added scores of individual teachers in the L.A. Unified School District.

First of all, let me address the issue at hand. I believe that the LA Times's decision to publish the value-added scores was irresponsible. Given what we know about the unreliability and variability in such scores and the likelihood that consumers of said scores will use them at face value without fully understanding all of the caveats, this was a dish that should have been sent back to the kitchen.

Although the LA Times is not a government or public entity, it does operate in the public sphere. And it has a responsibility as such an actor. Its decision to label LA teachers as 'effective' and 'ineffective' based on suspect value-added data alone is akin to an auditor secretly investigating a firm or agency without an engagement letter and publishing findings that may or may not hold water.

Frankly, I don't care what positive benefits this decision by the LA Times might have engendered.
Yes, the district and the teachers union have agreed to begin negotiations on a new evaluation system. Top district officials have said they want at least 30% of a teacher's review to be based on value-added and have wisely said that the majority of the evaluations should depend on classroom observations. Such a development exonerates the LA Times, as some have argued. In my mind, any such benefits are purloined and come at the expense of sticking it -- rightly in some cases, certainly wrongly in others -- to individual teachers who mostly are trying their best.

Oh, I know, I know. It's not about the teachers anymore. Their day has come and gone. "It's about the kids" now, right? But you know what? The decisions we make about how we license, compensate, evaluate and dismiss teachers affects them as individual people, as husbands and wives, as mothers and fathers. It effects who may or may not choose to enter the profession in the coming years. If we mistakenly catch a bunch of teachers in a wrong-headed, value-added dragnet based upon a missionary zeal and 'head in the sand' conviction that numbers don't lie, we will be doing a disservice both to teachers and to the kids. And, if we start slicing and dicing teachers left and right, who exactly will replace them?

(1) Value-added test scores should not be used as the primary means of informing high-stakes decisions, such as tenure and dismissal.
One primary piece of evidence was released just this week from the well-respected, nonpartisan
Economic Policy Institute. The EPI report, co-authored by numerous academic experts, said:

  • Student test scores are not reliable indicators of teacher effectiveness, even with the addition of value-added modeling (VAM).
  • Though VAM methods have allowed for more sophisticated comparisons of teachers than were possible in the past, they are still inaccurate, so test scores should not dominate the information used by school officials in making high-stakes decisions about the evaluation, discipline and compensation of teachers.
  • Neither parents nor anyone else should believe that the Los Angeles Times analysis actually identifies which teachers are effective or ineffective in teaching children because the methods are incapable of doing so fairly and accurately.
  • Analyses of VAM results show that they are often unstable across time, classes and tests; thus, test scores, even with the addition of VAM, are not accurate indicators of teacher effectiveness. Student test scores, even with VAM, cannot fully account for the wide range of factors that influence student learning, particularly the backgrounds of students, school supports and the effects of summer learning loss. As a result, teachers who teach students with the greatest educational needs appear to be less effective than they are.
Other experts, such as Mathematica Policy Research, Rick Hess, and Dan Goldhaber have offered important cautions as well.

The findings of the IES-funded Mathematica report were “largely driven by findings from the literature and new analyses that more than 90 percent of the variation in student gain scores is due to the variation in student-level factors that are not under the control of the teacher. Thus, multiple years of performance data are required to reliably detect a teacher’s true long-run performance signal from the student-level noise…. Type I and II error rates [‘false positives’ and ‘false negatives’] for teacher-level analyses will be about 26 percent if three years of data are used for estimation.
In a typical performance measurement system, more than 1 in 4 teachers who are truly average in performance will be erroneously identified for special treatment, and more than 1 in 4 teachers who differ from average performance by 3 months of student learning in math or 4 more in reading will be overlooked. In addition, Type I and II error rates will likely decrease by only about one half (from 26 to 12 percent) using 10 years of data.”

Hess has “three serious problems with what the LAT did. First … I'm increasingly nervous at how casually reading and math value-added calculations are being treated as de facto determinants of "good" teaching…. Second, beyond these kinds of technical considerations, there are structural problems. For instance, in those cases where students receive substantial pull-out instruction or work with a designated reading instructor, LAT-style value-added calculations are going to conflate the impact of the teacher and this other instruction…. Third, there's a profound failure to recognize the difference between responsible management and public transparency.”

Goldhaber, in a Seattle Times op-ed, says that he “support[s] the idea of using value-added methods as one means of judging teacher performance, but strongly oppose[s] making the performance estimates of individual teachers public in this way. First, there are reasons to be concerned that individual value-added estimates may be misleading indicators of true teacher performance. Second, performance estimates that look different from one another on paper may not truly be distinct in a statistically significant sense. Finally, and perhaps most important, I cannot think of a profession in either the public or private sector where individual employee performance estimates are made public in a newspaper.”

Multiple measures to inform teacher evaluation seems like the right approach, including the use of multiple years of value-added student data (one thing the LA Times DID get right). That said, the available research would seem to suggest that states (particularly in Race to the Top) that have proposed basing 50% or more of an individual educators evaluation on a value-added score may have gone too far down the path. LA Unified officials have said (LA Times, 8/30/2010) they want at least 30% of a teacher's review to be based on value-added and that the majority of the evaluations should depend on observations. That might be a more appropriate stance.

(2) Embracing the status quo is unacceptable.
As reports such at The New Teacher Project's
Widget Effect have chronicled, current approaches to teacher evaluation are broken. They don’t work for anyone involved. Critics of VAM cannot simply draw a line in the sand and state that, "This will not stand!" If not this, then what? Certainly not the current system! Fortunately, efforts led by organizations such as the American Federation of Teachers and the Hope Street Group are developing or have offered thoughtful solutions to this issue. [Disclosure: I participated in Hope Street's effort and my New Teacher Center colleague Eric Hirsch serve on AFT’s evaluation committee.] Sadly, LA Unified and the LA Teachers Union both are culpable –along with the LA Times – in bringing this upon the city's teachers by refusing to act to analyze or utilize available value-added data. An adherence to the status quo created a void that the LA Times sought to fill in order to sell more newspapers in a wrong-headed attempt to inform the public.

(3) The ‘lesser of two evils’ axiom should not be invoked.
Even if you agree that all the factors we currently use to select and sort teachers is worse than a value added only alternative,
as argued by Education Sector's Chad Aldeman, our current arsenal does not meaningfully inform high-stakes decisions (apart from entry tests with largely low passing scores and the aforementioned impossible-to-fail evaluations). That's, of course, both a condemnation of the current system's inability and/or unwillingness to differentiate between teachers, but it's also a recognition that we haven't struck the right balance or developed the value-added systems to inform high-stakes decisions in this regard in all but a few promising places.

(4) Don't lose sight of the utility of value-added data to inform formative assessment of teaching practice.
If one of the takeaways from research is that value-added data shouldn't be used to drive high-stakes decisions, it is helpful to think about the use of this data to inform teacher development. Analysis of student work, including relevant test scores, is an important professional development opportunity that all teachers, especially new ones, should have regular opportunities to engage in. Systems such as the NTC’s
Formative Assessment System provide such a tool in states and districts with whom it works on teacher induction. Sadly, this is not the norm in American schools, but is built into high-quality professional development approaches, as Sara Mead wisely discusses in her recent Ed Week blog post. As I noted under #2, LA Unified missed an opportunity to embrace such data to inform its educators in such a way. In the LA Times value added series, several teachers bemoaned the fact that they had never had the opportunity to see such data until it was published in the newspaper.

(5) Valid and reliable classroom observation conducted by trained evaluators is critical.
Other elements of an evaluation system are even more important than value-added methodology if for no other reason that the majority of teachers do not teach tested subjects. Unless we, God forbid, develop multiple-choice assessments of more and more subjects and grade levels, we're going to need valid and reliable ways of assessing the practice of educators who cannot be assessed by value-added student achievement scores. Despite some of the criticisms lobbed at the District of Columbia's new
IMPACT evaluation system, this is an element at the heart of DC’s approach to teacher evaluation. Further, the Gates Foundation’s on-going teacher effectiveness study holds great promise.

(6) We've got to get beyond this focus on the 'best' and 'worst' teachers.
How about we focus on strengthening the effectiveness of the 80-90% of teachers in the middle? We know how to do that through
comprehensive new teacher induction and high-quality professional development, but we're just lacking the collective will to pull it off and invest in what makes a difference. These are similar roadblocks to what has prevented the use of student outcomes from being considered in teacher evaluations. It raises discomfort, requires a change in prevailing (often mediocre) practices, demands greater accountability, and necessitates viewing teaching not as a private activity but as a collective endeavor. But I keep making this point over and over again about the importance of a teacher development focus within the teacher effectiveness conversation because I see too few reform advocates taking it seriously. Take off the blinders, folks. It is not primarily about firing teachers.

(7) Teacher effectiveness is contextual.
Teaching and learning conditions impact an individual educator’s ability to succeed. It is entirely possible that an individual teacher's value-added score is significantly determined by the teaching and learning conditions (supportive leadership, opportunities to collaborate, classroom resources) present at their school site than about their individual knowledge, skills and practices. In Seinfeldian terms, teachers are not 'masters of their domain' necessarily. The EPI report makes this point. So do my New Teacher Center colleagues through statewide teaching and learning conditions surveys. So does Duke University economist Helen Ladd (also a co-signed on the EPI report) and the University of Toronto’s Kenneth Leithwood.

We Play: Massive Rock Painting!!!

We are so glad we kept this boulder when they built our house! we love to get messy and have a blast!

Linked to We Play.
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Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Cards and Counters Extension

A friend of mine gave me hundreds of theses little paper circles. They are perfect for counters. My professor once said that a child can never do enough work with 1-10, especially when it is fun! See what else you can make studying numbers!

Cards and Counters Printable Template

Here is a link to on how to present Cards & Counters to your child.

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Who Knew That Race to the Top Would Cause Joblessness?

In cycling races such as the Tour de France, riders tragically have lost their lives particularly in mountainous stages in the Alps or Pyrenees. Fortunately, no one was killed in the making of Race to the Top applications. But one state school chief, New Jersey's Brett Schundler, has lost his job as a result of it.

Read the Newark Star-Ledger's story for more:
Gov. Chris Christie fired state education commissioner Bret Schundler this morning after Schundler refused to resign in the wake of the controversy over the state's loss of up to $400 million in federal school funding.

The state lost a competitive grant contest for education funding by 3 points. While the state lost points across a number of areas for substantive issues, a blunder on one 5-point question has caused an uproar in Trenton. The state lost 4.8 points by seemingly misreading the question, which asked for information from 2008 and 2009 budgets. The state provided information from 2011.

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

What I Did on My Summer "Vacation"

It's been a busy one. Here's a (small, incomplete) peek inside the life of a tenure-track mama prof.

(1) Traveled on work trips to Seattle, San Diego, Boulder, Laguna Beach, Washington DC (twice), and Chicago -- and most of that was just in the month of June.

(2) Spent two weeks at Northwestern University, 10+ hours per day, learning the technical in's and out's of cluster randomized trials at a veritable "geek camp." Had a blast. Imported generous family members to babysit during the day and parented my 7-month-old daughter every evening, awaking 3-5 times every night to nurse.

(3) Wrote and submitted three paper proposals to the American Educational Research Association.

(4) Completed final edits on two articles forthcoming this fall.

(5) Watched as my 3-year-old son wore a suit and went down the aisle as ring-bearer in his nanny's wedding. Cried my eyes out.

(6) Wrote a proposal for nearly $700,000 in foundation support. Decision still pending (it's a nail-biter!).

(7) Reviewed 9 journal articles and 6 grant proposals.

(8) Celebrated my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary by coordinating and cooking a family dinner for 12.

(9) Prepared a brand-new 2-semester course on mixed-methods research.

(10) Smiled with joy as my daughter learned to love solid food, crawl, cruise, and begin to call me "mama."

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Finger Paint, Color Mixing

Mom, can I make a sunset? What colors do we need?

The little hands belong to the twins.
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Foodie Finds

In an effort to spice up this blog a bit, we'll tap into the Optimists' foodie inclinations by periodically featuring some choice restaurants and food-related businesses.

For our inaugural offering, here are some places we've enjoyed in recent travels:

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Sandpaper Letters!

Bean was so happy when I got out the Sandpaper Letters tonight. she must have been ready to learn, since she begged me for Montessori work before bedtime. I found some wooden objects at a craft store for.matching initial sounds.

Race To The Top Phase Two Winners

UPDATED 11:28 a.m. CDT

The complete list of 10 winning applicants:

District of Columbia
New York
North Carolina
Rhode Island

Here is the official U.S. Department of Education press release and the list of Phase Two scores:

Phase Two Winners:
1. MA - 471.0
2. NY - 464.8
3. HI - 462.4
4. FL - 452.4
5. RI - 451.2
6. DC - 450.0
7. MD - 450.0
8. GA - 446.4
9. NC - 441.6
10. OH - 440.8
11. NJ - 437.8
12. AZ - 435.4
13. LA - 434.0
14. SC - 431.0
15. IL - 426.6
16. CA - 423.6
17. CO - 420.2
18. PA - 417.6
19. KY - 412.4

This was an especially competitive round. And, as you can see above, there was NOT a natural cut-off point in the scores between successful applicants and unsuccessful ones. That's got to make the loss sting all the more for states such as New Jersey, Arizona, Louisiana and South Carolina especially. Just three points separate a funded state (Ohio) and a non-funded state (New Jersey)!

I am most surprised by the inclusion of Hawaii among the winners, but I was impressed by the strength and comprehensiveness of the teaching/leadership portion of its application. It will be interesting to see a full analysis of its very high score -- third highest, trailing only Massachusetts and New York.

The biggest shock to me is the absence of Illinois in the winners' circle. I felt that it had put together one of the more compelling applications and had been ranked 5th overall in Phase One. South Carolina is another strong contender that missed out; it had the 6th highest ranked application in Phase One.

Race To The Top: Start Spreading The News

Dorie Turner of the Associated Press is reporting via Twitter that New York is one of the winners of Race to the Top, Phase Two. If that is the case -- and heavily favored Florida also is shown the money -- then we are likely looking at fewer than 10 winners today. That is, unless states are funded at less than the maximums that they requested. Under such a "spreading the wealth" scenario, then there could be more winners.

I'm not going to make predictions -- I think the cut off is likely to be determined by a few points here and there. But I still like the chances of Florida, Illinois, Rhode Island, and South Carolina best.

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Elementary Movements, Rolling a Mat

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Unrolled rug on floor, place to return rugs.

1. Invite children to watch.

2. Kneel down near short edge of rug.

3. Place hands over center of edge.

4. Curl rug in with your fingers to make first roll.

5. Continue to roll rug up, pulling rug towards you.

6. Roll slowly.

7. Stop and tap rolled edges on left and right, so they are even.

8. Continue rolling and tapping until rug is all rolled up.

9. Replace rug correctly.

1. Presented in small or large groups.

2. Young children may find it easier to creep up with the rug as they roll it up. This is done at first, because most likely children will figure out immediately how to unroll a rug.

Home Made Playdough

So much fun, and it feels so neat to play with!! Of course, we chose pink......

Here is the recipe:

1 cup white flour
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1/3 cup of vegetable oil
1/4 cup salt
2 or 3 squirts of gel food coloring

Mix on medium stove-top heat for 3-5 minutes. Manipulate into shape, store in air tight containers!!!!
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Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010


This photo shows Bean giving a transfer lesson to her twin sisters. A captivated audience, the joy of multiage in our home.

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Green And Speckled Frogs

We love art school this summer!

Here are the lyrics to partner our work:

Five Green and speckled frogs,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are only four speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Four Green and speckled frogs,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are only three speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Three Green and speckled frogs,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are only two speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Two Green and speckled frogs,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there is only one speckled frog,
Glub, glub.

One Green and speckled frog,
Sitting on a hollow log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One frog jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are no speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

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Items New To The Shelves

Water pouring, pasta sorting, wipe away writing, chalkboard mat, and rock painting!
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Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Blog Award!

I'm so thankful to Sandy at Raising Ian for giving me the Versatile Blogger Award! She is so sweet! I haven't even been blogging our experiences for a full month :)

The Versatile Blogger:
  • Thanks the person who gave you the award! Thank you, Thank you!!
  • Share 7 things about you

  1. I used to play teacher every single day as a kid.
  2. I always wanted daughters.
  3. I'm mildly afraid of microorganisms.
  4. I feel best when my surroundings are beautiful.
  5. I like being prepared for things (how well that works as a Montessori Teacher/Mom)!
  6. I married by frat boy.
  7. Blogging is like scrapbooking for me, I like to look back already!
  • Pass the award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are FABULOUS!

You may know that I have three little ones, so I'll shorten my list to 5 for the sake of sleep!!! Sorry, first things first. Here's my list, in no particular order:

  1. A Montessori Musing
  2. Itty Bitty Bistro
  3. Attached At The Hip
  4. Simply Montessori
  5. Montessori In Mars

Living Room Toy Set Up

We change the items a lot to keep things fresh. Our living room is a shared space with the entire family where creativity, pretend, and reading is enjoyed. The children painted that artwork earlier this summer!!!

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Montessori Philosophy In The Home

It feels like a very long time since I was a student, when I wrote the article below. Funny how my dear children took me right back to home :)

Article for Parents

By Jessica Beerman

How to Make the Most of Your Montessori Investment: Ways to be consistent with Montessori Philosophy in your Home

Congratulations on your decision to send your child to a Montessori School! Now that you have made this choice, it is helpful to know what you can do outside of school to make the most of your Montessori investment. Consistency is the ticket to the child’s full understanding of their world, at home and at school.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do is to educate yourself on the Montessori method and philosophy, and to understand your child’s school’s interpretation of those philosophies. Beyond that, there are some simple ideas and activities you may want to incorporate into your day with your child.

At Montessori schools, your child has many choices, which can be overwhelming for the child, especially in the first Montessori year (previously choices have been made for them as babies and toddlers). At home, simple choices can help train your child to make his or her own decisions. Families can work with the child on this with little change to their daily routines. The parent can offer the child simple choices that affect the child’s day, while remaining in control of the household by not allowing the child to make all of the decisions. Offer choices in doses that will help children grow in maturity rather than frustration. For example, at breakfast a parent can offer the child two choices for juices, “Orange or apple?” The child still has a healthy juice with breakfast, yet they were involved in the decision. Choices like, “What do you want for breakfast?” can get a parent in a tough situation when the child simply answers, “Chocolate cake.” When getting dressed, the parent can offer the child two or three whole outfits, with socks, underwear, and shoes included. If the children are left with the seemingly vague choice of dressing themselves, they may end up wearing sandals and a beach dress in January. If the parent needs to ask the child to change, then the child’s motivation to choose next time may be hindered. To avoid this, it is best to ask the child to choose one outfit or another. For some children, even that choice may be onerous and the parent may need to modify the task by asking the child to choose their socks, hairstyle, or shoes. For those children who have much experience with choices and as children age, they grow more able to make choices when given more vague options.

Montessori believed that children are naturally and intrinsically motivated, without external exponents. Montessori schools don’t use rewards or punishments, rather expect the child to behave and perform to the individual’s best abilities. To further this inner motivation in your child, try to limit rewarding or praising you child for a job well done. Children need to come to their own conclusions about their progress, and giving them a status with praise can take that ability away overtime. One way to limit praising while still acknowledging the child is to say something observational like, “I see you tied your own shoe.” Or “You made your own bed.” Once the child hears these words, they are free to make their own assessment of their accomplishment. A child who doesn’t receive external rewards for carrying out their expectations is better able to adjust in the transition from home to school where rewards are not present.

Utilizing Montessori’s ideas in regards to Peace Education at home is an idea that not only maintains a level of consistency with school, but may help your home run more peacefully. Modeling guidelines for conflict resolution among siblings and/or peers outside of school for your child will help them recreate the resolution for themselves when a conflict comes up for them in play. Having a physical space for peace in the home, modeled after the school environment’s Peace Area will allow the child to find solace on tough days, and figure out sibling and play date conflicts without adult assistance. One tool that may work well for conflict resolution in the home is the peace rose (however, any object used in the same fashion will work just as well). The peace rose in the classroom represents the solving of arguments and the calming of hurt feelings by allowing only the holder of the rose to speak about the experience. That child then passing it onto the others involved until everyone is at peace with what happened. This approach at solving child conflicts avoids forced apologies, when children don’t necessarily have a grasp on exactly why they are saying sorry, and focuses the attention on how the other child may feel fostering a sense of empathy. The peace rose concept can also be used between children and adults.

It is also important to note, while thinking about peace in the home, that physical violence among siblings and friends can be reduced or nearly eliminated by not allowing the child to witness these types of behaviors on television, in videogames, or in real life situations.

The physical set up of the home can help them further develop their sense of independence, order, concentration, and coordination. Of course the home cannot be set up like a Montessori school, since the home is both for adults and children, however some minor adjustments and activities can be added to aid your child’s development. The best way to begin is by looking in each room of the home and asking, ‘How is this room helping my child to be more independent?’ You may find that the simplest of changes can allow your child to do tasks for him or herself. It is best to observe the children in your family to understand what it is they may need or not need to be more independent in their everyday activities.

In the kitchen, the child can have a small workspace where he or she can help prepare meals or snacks with the family. Cutting up fruits or vegetables, shelling peas, or pouring water for everyone are all activities in which coordination and concentration are exercised. Following a recipe by stirring, measuring and timing cooking will provide an experience for the child that is rich in order and mathematics. If the materials the child needs to get a drink or have a snack are placed in a low cabinet and are child-sized, then the child is free to satisfy his own needs independently.

The best addition to any child’s bathroom is a sturdy small stool in which to get high enough to use the sink and toilet unaided. Providing bath toys and child friendly washcloths or wash mitts will add value to the time spent in the bathtub. Children love sensorial exploring of water, squirting and transferring, and enjoy testing what sinks and floats. Hooks for clothing and towels, and small baskets or boxes to hold their small items while bathing will speak to their sense of order. Tooth brushing, hand washing, toileting, and dressing are all activities that the child must learn to master autonomously in the bathroom.

The child’s bedroom is unique to the rest of the home because it is solely for the child, even if it is shared with siblings. It need not be designed with adults in mind like the rest of the home, so the bedroom can be a place where the child can play and learn exclusive of adult interaction. If the child’s bed is low to the ground, and does not have bars, then the child is able to get up without waking the parents, as well as return to bed by themselves. Anything to help the children make their own bed with less frustration promotes independence. For example, some children find it easier to make the bed when a duvet is used in place of several layers of sheets and blankets. A small lamp, reachable to the child while they are in bed, enables the child to light the room in the night to serve their needs without calling a parent to use the light switch over by the door. Toys can be kept on low shelves so that the child can readily see what is available to them, without rummaging through the endless toy box. This also helps the child to organize their belongings in line with their growing sense of order.

The living room or family room can be a place where all ages can coexist and benefit from the surroundings. Art hanging at all levels of the eye will decorate the entire wall and allow tall and small family members to see them. Adding puzzles, crafts, and board games to the common areas encourages cooperation among family members and allows for practice in taking turns and sharing.

Parents can enrich their child’s Montessori experiences, academically, socially, and emotionally, in two main ways: Educating themselves on Montessori Philosophy, and learning ways to keep consistent with school at home. Maintaining consistency for your child will render the best results from your Montessori investment.


Carlton, M. P. (1996, November). Intrinsic motivation in young children: Supporting the development of mastery motivation in the early childhood classroom. Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Ellen, C. (2001, April). Building language through conflict resolution. Early Childhood Today, 15(7).

Helfrich, M. S. (1996, Summer). Practical applications of Montessori in the home. Association Montessori International Conference 1996

Kahn, B. (1978). The child’s environment. Montessori Talks to Parents, 1, 1-2.

Kohn, A. (2001, September). Five reasons to stop saying “good job!” Young Children

Meyerhoff, M. K. (2004). Decision making and development. Pediatrics for Parents, 21(3).

Montessori, M. (1972). The secret of childhood (M. J. Costelloe S.J., Trans.). New York, New York: Ballentine Books.

Montessori, M. (1979). Rewards and punishments. Montessori Talks to Parents, 2, 11-12.

Neubert, A. B. (n.d.). Furnishings. In Understanding the child: Preparation and management of the classroom (pp. 9-20). Ridgecrest, CA: The Early Education Company.

Pitamic, M. (2004). Teach me to do it myself: Montessori activities for you and your child. Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s Educational Series.

Promote curiosity & Choice making. (2003, January/February). Early Childhood Today, 17(4).

Taylor, S. I., & Dodd, A. T. (1999). We can cook! Snack preparation with toddlers and twos. Early Childhood Education Journal, 27(1).

Violence prevention in early childhood. (2002). [Brochure]. American Psychological Association and National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Wolf, A. (1996). Nuturing the spirit. Hollidaysburg, PA: Parent Child Press.

Zuckerman, D. M., & Zuckerman, B. S. (2001). Television’s impact on children. Pediatrics, 75(2), 233-240.

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Three New Works

  • The first photo is a spooning/scooping work for Practical Life, physical skills. The children went on a nature hunt to find the acorns.
  • The second is for our oldest, who loves to make different designs in the small pegs. It is such careful work, great for encouraging correct grip in later writing.
  • The third photo is a little gem I found at Discount School Supply, it's for toddler fine motor skills and gaining tracing/writing abilities. It is also a calming labyrinth for my oldest. There are 8 frame shapes total.

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Easel Wash

I'm finding that the 'ol summertime stand by of sprinklers and kiddie pools are getting....well, old. I set up the kiddie pool or the sprinkler and it gets five minutes of attention. Baby washing is a big hit, so I'm sticking to the washing theme to keep cool. I set up a bucket of ice cold water, and some baby bath soap. I cut a sponge into thirds, and placed them on the easel shelf. My little ones knew just what to do! Our easel certainly needed some TLC, and we cooled off!

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Lacing Work

Peanut needed to do this first thing today!

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Our Kitchen Snack Table

For meals, we eat together. Snacks and water are available here throughout the day. Complete with sponge for clean up!

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Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Snake Skin

Look what we found outside this afternoon! We think it is from a milk snake.
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Farm Habitat

Today we played with all of our animal miniatures. First we sorted them by species, named the correct expressions (stud, mare, goal) and then we built them zoo habitats out of wooden blocks and tinkertoys.
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