
Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

Obama Ed Pick

In this week's column, Newsweek's Jonathan Alter touts the candidacy of Denver Public Schools Superintendent Michael Bennet for Obama's Education Secretary.
Obama also knows that if he chooses a union-backed candidate such as Linda Darling-Hammond, a Stanford professor active in the transition, he'll have a revolt on his hands from the swelling ranks of reformers. That's why it's more likely he'll settle on a superintendent like Arne Duncan of Chicago, Michael Bennet of Denver or Paul Vallas of New Orleans, any of whom would suit Gates and other reform-minded philanthropists just fine. (I have my money on Bennet, whose new compensation system is popular with Denver teachers, if not the union.)
There is some suggestion that an Education Secretary announcement could come later this week or sometime next.

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