
Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

When the Going Gets Tough...

Sorry for the long absence. I've been working on a large grant proposal and it's all-consuming. It's nice to get lost in work once in awhile, but the mommy/prof balance thing is on the rocks. This week my son started to take his first steps (assisted) and I missed it. Yes, my nanny promptly notified me, but when I got home, Conor didn't want to walk with me. Tonight he chose Dada to put him to bed. He can probably feel the tension in my shoulders and sense my exhaustion-- and what fun is a worn-out Mama?

I suppose I've not yet learned the secret to have a wildly successful career and leaving it at the door when I arrive home. Anyone with tips on this challenge, please share. Seems like a great mystery at this point.

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