
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Twins Turn Four, with and an Education Update!!

Here we are blowing out the candle, after a little home celebration.  The candle represents the sun, and they walked around it with a globe 4 times today singing:
The Earth goes around the sun,
the Earth goes around the sun.
Twelve months, fifty-two weeks, three hundrend and sixty-five days.

Sarah and her #4
Iris and her #4

 Onto the Education update..... year, Sarah and Iris will be at school with me.  Yep, my twins will be at the Montessori School where I teach-  in my class.  Madeline came to school with me when she was small, it was so special.

What does that mean in my home?  It means that I change the environment a bit.  The aim will move from working with Montessori Materials towards supporting my Montessori Schooled children while we are home.  Which, I find to be full circle.  My Master's Thesis was about making the home environment more consistent with Montessori School.  How lucky am I to be both their teacher and their mother?  It's all meant to be.

Where to begin?  Art, museums, nature, reading for pleasure.  More posts to come on how to support a Montessori Schooled child (or two)!!!!

Train Area, a day at a Museum

String Painting at a Children's Museum

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